Blue Mail

Duo: Emanuela Ferrari – Pier Didoni 

Il progetto vuole esprimere la sinergia fra musica e natura,  fra melodia e suoni del quotidiano, con brani composti dal duo senza dimenticare i grandi del passato rivisitati con elaborazioni armoniche e ritmiche.

A brani per pianoforte solo se ne alternano altri accompagnati da effetti sonori dati da una conchiglia Haitiana, dall’acqua, da un bicchiere, nonché da strumenti musicali tradizionali quali il contrabbasso, l’armonica, la voce, le tablas, suonati da Pier Didoni.

La varietà degli affreschi musicali e la partecipazione richiesta al pubblico tramite giochi di improvvisazione con gli ascoltatori, riporta alle atmosfere confidenziali della musica da camera del Romanticismo tedesco con la contaminazione dello stile contemporaneo (di retaggio jazzistico).

Il repertorio comprende brani composti dal duo e rivisitazioni di melodie classiche in chiave moderna.

Emanuela Ferrari:  Pianoforte

Pier Didoni: contrabbasso,basso elettrico,voce, tablas, effetti

Blue Mail Concert

 Duo: Emanuela Ferrari – Pier Didoni 

The project aims at showing the synergy between music and nature, melody and everyday sounds, through pieces composed by the duet without leaving behind the great classics in new harmonic and rhythmic versions. Piano solos alternate to other pieces performed by Pier Didoni with a Haitian shell, water, a glass, no less than with traditional musical instruments such as bass, harmonica, voice, tablas.

The variety of musical “frescoes” and the involvement of the public through improvisation “games” recalls the confidential atmosphere of German romantic chamber music – contaminated by contemporary style (jazz tradition).

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

Emanuela Ferrari: Piano

Pier Didoni: bass, electric bass,voice, tablas, effects


Duet: Pier Didoni – Emanuela Ferrari

The project aims at showing the synergy between music and nature, melody and everyday sounds, through pieces composed by the duet without leaving behind the great classics in new harmonic and rhythmic versions.

Piano solos alternate to other pieces performed by Pier Didoni with a Haitian shell, water, a glass, no less than with traditional musical instruments such as bass, harmonica, voice, tablas.

The variety of musical “frescoes” and the involvement of the public through improvisation “games” recalls the confidential atmosphere of German romantic chamber music – contaminated by contemporary style (jazz tradition).

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

Emanuela Ferrari: piano

Pier Didoni: bass, electric bass,voice, tablas, effects.

Duo: Emanuela Ferrari – Pier Didoni 

Il progetto vuole esprimere la sinergia fra musica e natura,  fra melodia e suoni del quotidiano, con brani composti dal duo senza dimenticare i grandi del passato rivisitati con elaborazioni armoniche e ritmiche.

A brani per pianoforte solo se ne alternano altri accompagnati da effetti sonori dati da una conchiglia Haitiana, dall’acqua, da un bicchiere, nonché da strumenti musicali tradizionali quali il contrabbasso, l’armonica, la voce, le tablas, suonati da Pier Didoni.

La varietà degli affreschi musicali e la partecipazione richiesta al pubblico tramite giochi di improvvisazione con gli ascoltatori, riporta alle atmosfere confidenziali della musica da camera del Romanticismo tedesco con la contaminazione dello stile contemporaneo (di retaggio jazzistico).

Il repertorio comprende brani composti dal duo e rivisitazioni di melodie classiche in chiave moderna.

Emanuela Ferrari:  Pianoforte

Pier Didoni: contrabbasso,basso elettrico,voce, tablas, effetti

Blue Mail Concert

 Duo: Emanuela Ferrari – Pier Didoni 

The project aims at showing the synergy between music and nature, melody and everyday sounds, through pieces composed by the duet without leaving behind the great classics in new harmonic and rhythmic versions. Piano solos alternate to other pieces performed by Pier Didoni with a Haitian shell, water, a glass, no less than with traditional musical instruments such as bass, harmonica, voice, tablas.

The variety of musical “frescoes” and the involvement of the public through improvisation “games” recalls the confidential atmosphere of German romantic chamber music – contaminated by contemporary style (jazz tradition).

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

Emanuela Ferrari: Piano

Pier Didoni: bass, electric bass,voice, tablas, effects


Duet: Pier Didoni – Emanuela Ferrari

The project aims at showing the synergy between music and nature, melody and everyday sounds, through pieces composed by the duet without leaving behind the great classics in new harmonic and rhythmic versions.

Piano solos alternate to other pieces performed by Pier Didoni with a Haitian shell, water, a glass, no less than with traditional musical instruments such as bass, harmonica, voice, tablas.

The variety of musical “frescoes” and the involvement of the public through improvisation “games” recalls the confidential atmosphere of German romantic chamber music – contaminated by contemporary style (jazz tradition).

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

The repertoire includes pieces composed by the duet and classic melodies in modern style.

Emanuela Ferrari: piano

Pier Didoni: bass, electric bass,voice, tablas, effects.


1. Ti cerca | Pier Didoni

2. Toto | Emanuela Ferrari

3. La canzone di Desdemona | Pier Didoni – Zugna

4. Stop | Emanuela Ferrari

5. Nebbia | Pier Didoni – Pagliuca

6. Danza dei colori | Emanuela Ferrari

7. My first prelude | Sante Palumbo

8. Onda Roby | Emanuela Ferrari

9. Peace | Pier Didoni

10. Morpheus | Emanuela Ferrari

11. Senza un filo | Pier Didoni

12. Syrinx word | Pier Didoni

13. Clear Mind | Emanuela Ferrari

14. Suite Mignon | Emanuela Ferrari

15. Flûteswing | Pier Didoni

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